When higher rate of interest is the only thing you can associate with, the words 'Low Rate Car Loan' comes as magic to the ears. These kinds of loans are not that difficult to obtain. And certainly it is very simple for those who have good credit scores and a hefty salary. However, many do not come under this criterion. You need not be bothered about these problems as there are simpler ways to obtain auto loans with low rates.
Credit Score: Try to improve your credit score if it is not fair enough to project. Make sure to pay your credit card bills and other loan payments in time. If your credit scores are good, then it will definitely help you to get loan at lower rates of interest. Check your credit rating with a reliable source at regular intervals to know your standings. Then you can work on it to improve the ratings.
Negotiations: Whenever you are visiting any dealership, arm yourself with negotiation skills. If you are not very good at negotiating, then take a friend along. Have the confidence and never fall for the dealers' scheme. Start with lower rates of interest when negotiating. The dealers always keep a marked up amount on the price levels and even hike the interest rates unnecessarily. If you have low credit rating, the dealers tend to justify their stand even when they can provide you the loan at a lower rate of interest. It is just a strategy to make you pay more.
Down Payment: Many a time, dealers ask you to pay substantial amount of money as down payment. If you agree to do so, then your rate of interest for the loan will certainly be a lot less. The logic that works in this case is that the dealer thinks that if someone is investing so much amount of money at the initial stage, then he will also be eager to pay off the loan as quickly as possible. However, paying down payment may not be always possible for the applicant especially if he is in a monetary crisis.
Advertisements: Advertisements and promotional offers announced by the manufacturers and sometimes dealership too are great ways to get hold of low rate auto loan. The advertisers tend to offer lower rates of interests and special packaged offers to increase their sales. But all the clauses of such offers should be thoroughly checked before opting for them.
Co-signer: If you can find a co-signer for yourself who has stable source of income and good financial credibility, then the dealers may actually lower the rate of interest. Co-signer becomes the guarantee they require for the risk they are taking to provide you with the car loan.
Collateral: Similarly, if you can produce any additional collateral like a house, land or another car you may own, the risk goes down. And the dealer will be more than willing to provide you with the loan.